.:Renewal Item Database:.
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- Upper classess are included from selecting the base/second classes.
(Ex. Select 'Knight' will include 'Lord Knight' & 'Rune Knight' unless changing the next option.)
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AnyNeutralWaterEarthFireWindPoisonHolyShadow / DarkGhost / SenseUndead / Immortal
AnyStoneFreezeStunSleepPoisonCurseSilenceConfusionBlindBleedingDeadly Poison
AnyFormlessUndeadBrutePlantInsectFishDemonDemi-HumanAngelDragonBoss MonsterNormal MonsterPlayer

With or without effectaffect STRaffect AGIaffect VITaffect INTaffect DEXaffect LUKaffect Every Statsaffect max HP or HP Recoveryaffect max SP or SP RecoveryGain or Drain HPGain or Drain SPaffect Attackaffect damage on conditionsaffect Magic Attack or Magic Damageaffect Defenseaffect Magic Defenseaffect Hitaffect Criticalaffect Flee and Dodgeaffect Cast Timewill auto cast a spellaffect Moving Speedaffect Attack Speedignore Defense or Magic Defense+/- damage relative to monster sizeaffect enemies statuswill obtain an item from kill when equiped

Item NameItem TypeAttackMagic AttackDefenceRangeWeapon LevelRequired LevelWeightEquip LocationsItem IDItem Price