.:Skill Search:.

Plagiarism (Skill ID# 225, iRO Name: Intimidate)
Type Passive Max Lv 10
Requirements (May vary for different classes, view skill by classes is recommended)
Intimidate Lv 5
Required ForPreserve (Lv 10, Stalker), Reproduce (Lv 5, Shadow Chaser)
EffectAllows the last offensive skill used on you to be used as a skill you have gained. Only one skill may be copied at a time in this fashion, maximum copied skill level equals the Plagiarism SkillLV.
Other Notes
1LV. 1 Skills can be copied
2LV. 2 Skills can be copied
3LV. 3 Skills can be copied
4LV. 4 Skills can be copied
5LV. 5 Skills can be copied
6LV. 6 Skills can be copied
7LV. 7 Skills can be copied
8LV. 8 Skills can be copied
9LV. 9 Skills can be copied
10LV. 10 Skills can be copied

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