.:Skill Search:.

Reject Sword (Skill ID# 390, iRO Name: Counter Instinct)
Type Supportive Max Lv 5Attack Type Weapon
SP Cost5 + 5*SkillLV TargetSelf
Requirements (May vary for different classes, view skill by classes is recommended)
[Pre-Renewal: Strip Weapon Lv 1]

[Renewal: none]
Stay Duration300 sec
EffectWhen in PVP mode it has a chance to reduce all sword and dagger damage by half and returns the other half to the attacker for 3 hits. Works on monsters regardless of their weapon.
Other Notes
115% Chance of Reflection
230% Chance of Reflection
345% Chance of Reflection
460% Chance of Reflection
575% Chance of Reflection

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