.:Member Reviews:.
Played for more than 1 year 2018-11-15
Its hard to put into words how much work, blood, sweat, and tears the owners give into making the server great for the players. It is rare to see this level of dedication and content creation. Server up 247, 365, no hiccups, you will find a combination of active and chilling players in game willing to give advice and free stuff, and GMs are as open to questions as can be. Population is in the 50s, it would be great to see more players come in as that will really make the gameplay features shine.
Rating: 94
Comment #1
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 8
Guild Competition: 8
Class Balance: 8

Played for more than 1 year 2019-03-03
It is difficult to put into words just how much blood, sweat, tears, and effort it took to bring where the server is now. For the many players out there, it is an experience to play here. Content creation is relentless, and is centered to maximize enjoyment out of a high rate server. Powered, yet refined in balancing and counters. The recent update added 1000+ headgears for all the players to enjoy! Give us a try and you won't be disappointed! ^_^
Rating: 95
Comment #2
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 9
Guild Competition: 7
Class Balance: 9

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