.:Member Reviews:.
Played for more than 1 year 2019-10-03
All the custom items and monsters will make your head spin. No P2W, infact W is pretty much non-existing though try-hards are real and sometimes noisy. Amazing GM staff put in a lot of work; events, updates, more updates, always polite and helpful. Discord is fantastic for meeting and talking to other cool RO fanatics. RO is pretty old now but this server showcases all the reasons the game is still going. Come play!
Rating: 85
Comment #1
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 9
Eventfulness: 9
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 1
Class Balance: 6

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