Servers foxmc have played on: |
DarkRO, bRO, XileRO, HyoRO (FrostRO) |
Frequently used in-game names: |
Beyond Godlike, Sin Vitor BR, Wiz Vitor BR, Taekwon Vitor BR and other Vitor BRs. |
Favourite server rates: Mid and High Rates |
Was the leader of: |
Up With It! (FrostRO), Emperium Rampage (XileRO) |
Was a guild member of: |
Above and Beyond (FrostRO), Equilibrium (HyoRO), Flame War (HyoRO), Hellfire (DarkRO). |
One thing that foxmc is most proud of in his/her RO history: |
Being a member of AaB for a reasonable period of time; Being able to play HyoRO. |
foxmc's current goal in the world of Ragnarok Online: |
Leading a top server Guild; Having my own succesful server. |