.:UARO World of your dream:.
Server Rating Summary [?]
Server Rating:


Community Rating:


Game Master Rating:



Game-Play Rating:

Guild Play

Class Balance

Average Rating:
78 / 100
Based on 218 player reviews:
Positive (149)

Neutral (16)

Negative (53)

Since 12 months ago.
Population Median Reference: 700
Donation Level:



Customization Level:



Played for 1 month 2024-04-04
I've been playing in this server for more than a month and I can confidently say this is as vanilla as it can get, without the P2W. Pretty solid so far aside from a few bugs which might be annoying. My main issue would be the character stops just 1 cell before casting range when you use a skill on a mob lol. Other than that, it seems to be a pretty stable server, no vote mechanics, no donator equipment that gives an unfair advantage. If you need a vanilla experience with good pop, this is it.
Rating: 93
Comment #91
Stability: 9
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 9
Eventfulness: 7
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 8

Played for less than 1 month 2024-04-03
Im sorry I will be giving you a low rating on your server as I have queries about problems that wasnt resolved because your admin/support team didnt even care to reply. I was loving the server as it has stable economy but knowing that I have a hard time playing due to high ping on your server, asked help in game, discord and I even pmed one of your gms but no reply or answer to my problem. I am having 200-300 ping, asia and cant play properly. hope they add tunnels on diff regions. D: goodluck
Rating: 34
Comment #92
Stability: 1
Availability: 5
Friendliness: 5
Eventfulness: 5
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 1
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 5
Owner's reply to this review:
Your complaint about high ping from Asia indicates a misunderstanding of basic online gaming principles. Geographic distance to the server is a fundamental factor affecting ping. This isn't a flaw with the server—it's a matter of physical and digital infrastructure. Our community has extensively discussed tools to mitigate such issues. If you rate us poorly just for this, it shows you don't grasp online connectivity. Ratings should be more informed and broad.

Played for 5 months 2024-04-02
First, The server and game itself is good for chill and competitive players. no argue. Leveling method is good, and the farming method is good enugh. GM Actively involved and changing rate drop for control the inflation. Didnt like GM & Owner integrity and how they hold player trust. So if you guys wanna play on this server make sure you are not Russian, because you cant played here. Dont ask or discussing about drama on discord if the Owner feel it solved, because the threat is perma banned.
Rating: 63
Comment #93
Stability: 4
Availability: 6
Friendliness: 8
Eventfulness: 2
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 9
Helpfulness: 9
Economy: 8
Guild Competition: 9
Class Balance: 7

Played for 3 months 2024-04-01
Server has a big problem with RMT and racism. Server owners banning people for being born in a certain country or speaking a certain language. I dont get how players are still playing here, If you want to waste ur time you should start to play here. RMT is well known to the whole RO community, GMs and Admin involved in RMT BIG TIME, have fun making the GMs rich
Rating: 48
Comment #94
Stability: 8
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 6
Eventfulness: 5
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 5
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 1
Guild Competition: 4
Class Balance: 7
Owner's reply to this review:
RMT is a non-issue here; we're proactive in banning those involved, disrupting any profit-making schemes. We stand out as a server that enforces this rule. Check our Discord for the Wall of Shame to see our stance in action. Regarding the claims of racism, a simple glance at Wikipedia will clarify that Ukrainians and ruzzians are not different races. This server isn't the place for those seeking to play exclusively with russians or rmt Misunderstanding of our gameplay style is no reason to linge

Played for 3 months 2024-03-25
this is my honest review, im still giving good point for what i experienced overall server good , i can have a good talk with many foreigner with different language for study, im also held some irl party invitation if they want attending. i have my friends and relatives playing this game like 2-3hrs per day even on weekday some of them even value the server ended donated some money but getting bad treatement at the end. If GM dont like RMT please disable CashPoint costume in trade at least !
Rating: 33
Comment #95
Stability: 5
Availability: 5
Friendliness: 1
Eventfulness: 1
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 1
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 6
Guild Competition: 6
Class Balance: 6
Owner's reply to this review:
Appreciate your 'honest' review, but let's not juggle facts like a circus act. You've acknowledged the rule-breaking that got you banned, right? The logs are crystal clear – they don't participate in your magic show. Suggestion: find a different server that enjoys your kind of 'entertainment.' We're not here to tailor our operations to the whims of rule-benders. If RMT's your game, it's time to change the playground, not the rules.

Played for 2 months 2024-03-25
RMT server where GMs are part of it. Save yourself your time before you join and waste your time. BE AWARE. Only good thing about this server is the population but other than that, there's so much going on behind the scenes.
Rating: 37
Comment #96
Stability: 5
Availability: 5
Friendliness: 4
Eventfulness: 4
Game Masters
Friendliness: 2
Availability: 2
Helpfulness: 4
Economy: 2
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 4
Owner's reply to this review:
If someone genuinely concerned about RMT, I encourage you to visit our Discord and view our 'wall of shame' where we actively showcase our stance against such activities. The case you mentioned relies on outdated and debunked claims. We operate with openness, and our community's integrity is our top priority. If there were any truth to these accusations, don't you think more concrete evidence would have surfaced by now? We welcome informed discussions, not baseless allegations.

Played for 1 month 2024-03-22
i came back to RO with this server, I also invited my gf and we started playing and everything is stable and going well. The players we've encountered were very nice, friendly and chill. We have not encountered any GMs yet, but there are a lot of events happening and BG is very active. Nothing bad to say, everything seems balanced and you can only get donations for cosmetics, which is nice!
Rating: 100
Comment #97
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 10

Played for 4 months 2024-03-21
The server is very stable and has scheduled and previously announced maintenance, it is a little lacking in events, but the community is very friendly and the GMs are very helpful and receptive, committed to the constant improvement of the server, they do a good job. The economy is balanced and accessible to new players for now, they are working hard to avoid RMT and abuse in general. The server offers a sense of nostalgia and a fun experience, worth testing!
Rating: 94
Comment #98
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 5
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 9

Played for more than 1 year 2024-03-15
Racist server. Server always lagging. GMs can’t fix simple bugs. Takes months to fix bugs and some still exist ever since the server opened. GMs are a bunch of Dictators. Holiday Event are trash as well. Stay away. Not sure how they are ranked #1….
Rating: 34
Comment #99
Stability: 1
Availability: 5
Friendliness: 5
Eventfulness: 1
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 5
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 5
Owner's reply to this review:
The next ruzzian clown better grab a dictionary and look up the definition of racism (ruzzians and Ukrainians are the same damn race). And here's a memo for you before you even think about stepping foot on the UKRAINIAN server: if you're ruzzian, take your sorry @$$ somewhere else because you sure as hell won't be welcome here.

Played for 1 month 2024-03-14
Good server overall, found new friends to play with. Very friendly community. Found a great guild with lots of events going on. Just came back on playing RO after a few years. It's a great server to be back on to. 100% recommended even for new RO players who haven't had any playing experience with the game. I wish I played on this server sooner, this popped up like a year ago and didn't even bother playing as I was not yet in the mood to play RO again. Oh well, still happy I've found this server
Rating: 99
Comment #100
Stability: 9
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 10

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