.:Homunculus S: Eleanor Skills:.
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Style Change (Skill ID# 8027)
Type Active Max Lv 1
Fixed Cast Time0.5 sec (Renewal only)
Cast Delay1 sec
EffectSwitches your homunculus combat style between fighter and grappler.
While in fighter style, the homunculus will gain spirit spheres as it deals or receives damage.

Level required to unlock skill: 100

Sonic Claw (Skill ID# 8028)
Type Offensive Max Lv 5Attack Type Weapon
TargetEnemyRange1 cells
Cast Delay1 sec
EffectUsable only in Fighter style. Deals a high speed claw attack to one target.
The number of hits dealt is equal to the number of spirit spheres. If you have no spirit spheres, the skill will fail.

Level required to unlock skill: 100
Other Notes
140% ATK
280% ATK
3120% ATK
4160% ATK
5200% ATK

Silvervein Rush (Skill ID# 8029)
Type Offensive Max Lv 5Attack Type Weapon
TargetSelfRange1 cells
Stay Duration5 sec
Cool Down2 sec
Sphere / Coin Cost1 Sphere(s) / Coin(s)
EffectUsable only in Fighter style. The skill must be used directly after Sonic Claw.
When used, consumes 1 spirit sphere.
Deals damage to the target as has a chance to cause stun.

Level required to unlock skill: 114
Other Notes
1150% ATK / 25% Stun Chance
2300% ATK / 30% Stun Chance
3450% ATK / 35% Stun Chance
4600% ATK / 40% Stun Chance
5750% ATK / 45% Stun Chance

Midnight Frenzy (Skill ID# 8030)
Type Offensive Max Lv 5Attack Type Weapon
TargetSelfRange1 cells
Stay Duration10 sec
Cool Down2 sec
Sphere / Coin Cost2 Sphere(s) / Coin(s)
EffectUsable only after casting Silvervein Rush. Consumes 2 spirit spheres.
Deals high damage and has a chance to cause Fear status.
The chance to cause Fear is increased with more spirit spheres.
The skill 'Sonic Claw' can be used directly after.

Level required to unlock skill: 128
Other Notes
1300% ATK
2600% ATK
3900% ATK
41200% ATK
51500% ATK

Tinder Breaker (Skill ID# 8036)
Type Offensive Max Lv 5Attack Type Weapon
TargetEnemyRange3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 cells
Cast Time1 sec
Sphere / Coin Cost1 Sphere(s) / Coin(s)
EffectApproaches a target and holds them using a locking technique.
When using this skill, both the homunculus and target become locked in place unable to move, reducing flee to 0.
Must be in Grappler mode to cast this skill and consumes 1 spirit sphere. The damage and duration of the lock is influence by the Homunculus's STR.

Level required to unlock skill: 100
Other Notes
LevelATK / Range
1100% ATK / 3 cells
2200% ATK / 4 cells
3300% ATK / 5 cells
4400% ATK / 6 cells
5500% ATK / 7 cells

Continual Break Combo (C.B.C) (Skill ID# 8037)
Type Offensive Max Lv 5Attack Type Weapon
TargetSelfRange1 cells
Sphere / Coin Cost1 Sphere(s) / Coin(s)
EffectCan only be used in combination with Tinder Breaker. Consumes 1 spirit spheres.
Deals damage and continually drains the target's SP. When used against monsters it deals additional damage instead of draining SP.
Like tinder breaker, the target and homunculus cannot move and have flee reduced to 0.
The duration is influenced by the Homunculus's STR.

Level required to unlock skill: 112
Other Notes
1400 Base damage
2800 Base damage
31200 Base damage
41600 Base damage
52000 Base damage

Eternal Quick Combo (E.Q.C) (Skill ID# 8038)
Type Offensive Max Lv 5Attack Type Misc
TargetSelfRange1 cells
Cast Delay1 sec
Sphere / Coin Cost2 Sphere(s) / Coin(s)
EffectCan only be used in combination with C.B.C. Consumes 2 spirit spheres.
Main damage is dependent on the difference between Eleanor's and the target's HP. Targets are also Stunned, lose additional HP, and have their Equipment ATK and DEF reduced. Once the entire combo has completed, Eleanor will be freed from Close Confine status, allowing movement again. This skill may not be used on Boss monsters.

Level required to unlock skill: 133
Other Notes
LevelAdditional HP drain and debuff on target
1Max HP -2% / ATK and DEF -5%
2Max HP -4% / ATK and DEF -10%
3Max HP -6% / ATK and DEF -15%
4Max HP -8% / ATK and DEF -20%
5Max HP -10% / ATK and DEF -25%

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