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Most Reviewed Servers This Week
1. Adventures RO (16/119)10x10x10x99/70
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3. Rise of Legends (12/81)5x5x3x99/70
4. Rage Ragnarok Online SHR (11/11)150000x150000x10000x1000/250
5. Venris Ragnarok (7/14)7x7x2x99/70
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1. Radnarok Official (0)26x26x2x99/70
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3. Rage Ragnarok Online SHR (11)150000x150000x10000x1000/250
4. Aura-RO (0)20x20x20x160/150
5. United Ragnarok Online (0)15x15x2x99/70

.:Latest Reviews:.
Played for less than 1 month 2024-06-16
I enjoy grinding, there's so much to do with your equipment not just the purpose of overups. If you build an overups and the stat options is bad you have to grind another one to find a better stat options which makes the end game equipments make it harder to attain.
Rating: 95
Comment #1
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 9
Helpfulness: 9
Economy: 9
Guild Competition: 9
Class Balance: 9

Played for less than 1 month 2024-06-16
I have been searching for a server for quite sometime now where I can hunt and experiment on builds in real time (not calculator) and interact with players at the same time. This one seems decent enough, I have not explored and played enough to provide a best review but I have a lot to look forward to. i give this server seven (7) out of ten (10) overall for now
Rating: 61
Comment #2
Stability: 6
Availability: 7
Friendliness: 5
Eventfulness: 6
Game Masters
Friendliness: 5
Availability: 5
Helpfulness: 7
Economy: 8
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 7

Played for less than 1 month 2024-06-16
It's a really nice low rate server especially for people who really want the full RO experience while still being enjoyable. There's plenty of people playing each day so it's pretty nice seeing all the other people around. The people playing here are really nice some even helped me out on my job change quest. The daily quest is nice it gives people something to do when they're lost. However, my custom skill bindings kept getting nuked if I just quit from "Exit to Windows" button in the options.
Rating: 84
Comment #3
Stability: 8
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 9
Eventfulness: 9
Game Masters
Friendliness: 9
Availability: 8
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 8
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 8

Played for less than 1 month 2024-06-16
Good old ragnarok, is a game that brings a wave of nostalgia and a wealth of enjoyable gameplay experiences. set in a vibrant fantasy world, it captures the essence of classic RPGs with its engaging quest and immersive storytelling. The Developer wisely focused less on flashy incentives and more on creating meaningful in-game events. these events are designed to keep player engaged and motivated, fostering a sense of community as they compete for valuable event reward. Papunyu~ Mage(Sage)
Rating: 99
Comment #4
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 9
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 10

Played for less than 1 month 2024-06-15
I really have never experienced the real old Ragnarok , im lucky to know about this server. If you want to feel nostalgic, I highly recommend you to play here, not only for PC but also for mobile. What I like most about this Ragnarok is that it is very newbie friendly , especially their staff is very good at helping with every player's problem. The events provided are also numerous and interesting. The best part is that its not pay to win , very F2P friendly <3
Rating: 93
Comment #5
Stability: 9
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 9
Availability: 9
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 9
Guild Competition: 8
Class Balance: 9

Played for 1 month 2024-06-15
Good low rate server - seems pretty active, in game shop doesnt seem broken. Some options are customized, its a sort of pre-renewal but some renewal. No 3rd classes, but they do have transcendent classes and some ease of access NPCs
Rating: 100
Comment #6
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 10

Played for 1 month 2024-06-15
FINALLY A SERVER THAT NOT PW2, and not with bullsh*t customisation, damn i been looking for years , finally i can play ragnarok like i used to, no bullsh*t costume aswell, i see lot of people from diffrent region too, im so excited, i hope they maintain the server, since it will be the hardest part
Rating: 91
Comment #7
Stability: 7
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 9
Eventfulness: 9
Game Masters
Friendliness: 9
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 9
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 8
Class Balance: 10

Played for less than 1 month 2024-06-15
Balance and classic Ragnarok gameplay, up to transcendence class. Hoping for more events and freebies by the GM. Easy to level up and farming of items. Hoping to have more players in this game. I have hunter and merchant in this game.
Rating: 90
Comment #8
Stability: 8
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 8
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 8
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 8
Guild Competition: 8
Class Balance: 10

Played for 1 month 2024-06-15
Better than Payon Stories or any other private servers out there. The game balance is on point, you can solo or party anything you want. donate headgear items can be obtain as well. not TOXIC environment and very helpful and friendly community. Hoping more players to come and play. Let's Enjoy this game to the fullest. Calling all competitive and not toxic players come and join us!
Rating: 100
Comment #9
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 10

Played for 3 months 2024-06-15
fun for a couple months then when the woe's leave its best to leave with them - theirs a lot of jank and rubberbanding - a lot of toxic ego and victim blaming from surprising individuals - cosmetic drip feed into the game - lack of events/creative community involvement
Rating: 33
Comment #10
Stability: 3
Availability: 8
Friendliness: 1
Eventfulness: 3
Game Masters
Friendliness: 2
Availability: 1
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 7
Guild Competition: 4
Class Balance: 3

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