.:Member Reviews:.
Played for more than 1 year 2012-02-16
Based on actual facts i'd say that New World RO is gradually improving from perfection to something even better. I'd never want to change to another server and i guess that anyone who joins will definitely feel the same way. Help and Advice is given at all times in NWRO. Gameplay in NWRO is indeed interesting to all, including newbies. Joining and trying it wont cost u a penny. But Joining and Leaving is not a possibility. Once u go NWRO, u never go Back.
Rating: 100
Comment #1
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 10

Played for 3 months 2017-09-07
Played many servers. This one is friendly and it is really enjoyable to be able to not only play solo. Gameplay is not hard, slow at first coz we are all newbies. but we all get the pace really quick. Love it
Rating: 100
Comment #2
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 10

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