.:Member Reviews:.
Played for 3 months 2015-02-03
So, I thought of playing RO again after a long break. Leika seemed like a good idea. The server does bring some nice features to the table, like renewal mechanics, a somewhat stable server and active GMs. What downplays the whole thing is, of course, that it is plagued with a much higher base o the "tr0ll" population than you will find in any other servers. And their policy for balance is: "people do it easy? Nerf it" Unable to comment on eco! All in all, a doable yet not-recommendable server.
Rating: 62
Comment #1
Stability: 8
Availability: 8
Friendliness: 3
Eventfulness: 8
Game Masters
Friendliness: 5
Availability: 8
Helpfulness: 7
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 5
Owner's reply to this review:
Our balancing policy revolves around long-term stability and economy in mind, even if it causes backlashes, pleasing everybody is impossible. We've had many bad experiences in the past, on servers where economy goes down the drain due to staff refusing to tweak certain problematic mechanics, because it would upset some people. I invite players to consider the long-term consequences and not just think about personal benefits, well-thought-out suggestions are always welcome.

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