.:Member Reviews:.
Played for less than 1 month 2017-08-11
OmiRO, a Renewal server that just opened and had a slight bump when it got launched. It suffered from prejudice players that doesn't have the patience to see the server grow and reach it's full potential. Thus, some of the players during the launch left and some even left a bad review here on RMS. The server has it's potential. Talk about cash point quest every 12 hours. The server is ran by 3 GMs, they take turns on their shifts. So that there is always someone available. Join OmiRO now!!!!
Rating: 88
Comment #1
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 6
Guild Competition: 6
Class Balance: 6

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