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Server Rating Summary [?]
Server Rating:


Community Rating:


Game Master Rating:



Game-Play Rating:

Guild Play

Class Balance

Average Rating:
87 / 100
Based on 3314 player reviews:
Positive (2813)

Neutral (335)

Negative (166)

Since 2007-03-16
Population Median Reference: 1200
Donation Level:



Customization Level:



Played for more than 1 year 2016-09-22
This review is directed at long term players. The server eventfulness and activity is somewhat limited. Yes it is not easy to keep things fresh or interesting. I joined again because of the updates but have been disappointed with the content. It's not very challenging or exciting. The only time I see event GMs online is when to inform us to make a review on RMS. With that being said timezones may be an issue but I do see a severe downfall with the community and comradery overall.
Rating: 64
Comment #111
Stability: 9
Availability: 9
Friendliness: 6
Eventfulness: 3
Game Masters
Friendliness: 8
Availability: 5
Helpfulness: 7
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 7
Owner's reply to this review:
Thanks for your review! You may want to try out some of the new features that have been introduced if you haven't already - such as the new GMC, the Wave Challenge updates, and much more. We think that you might find those modes fun and engaging! Event GMs are on quite a lot hosting events, so we hope that you'll be able to join one of their many events sometime soon! Sorry to hear your thoughts about the community, as many new players seem to form great and fun new friendships! Thanks much!

Played for more than 1 year 2016-09-20
What to say, getting gears is quite hard and easy at the same time as you can farm up to 4 or 5m depeding on the dungeon and sometimes it's hard to decide on what to gear cos the staff may change dungeons/builds ( DG teleport on mobs - 99DEF pally nerf), the community is... quite good if you look for the right persons, Head GMs are helpful yet hard to find aside of Seiren, PVM is quite good but PVP and WoE are dead, so far this is a good server i'd recommend it if you are looking for a good time
Rating: 50
Comment #112
Stability: 8
Availability: 7
Friendliness: 6
Eventfulness: 4
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 5
Helpfulness: 5
Economy: 6
Guild Competition: 2
Class Balance: 6
Owner's reply to this review:
Thanks for your review! We're glad to hear that you're really enjoying your time on TalonRO and that you would recommend it to others. The gameplay may indeed vary to introduce new challenges and rewards, but it's great to hear that you're up to the task! Our administrative staff can always be reached via a Support Ticket, otherwise they work hard behind the scenes while our Sub GM staff works in-game for you. Depending on the time, PvP can be busy, too! We're glad to hear about your experience!

Played for more than 1 year 2016-09-13
First, for some reason a review I wrote disappeared a day after posting. Talon is stable but lags at times. Over-emphasis on quests has lead to kill-steal and high prices. It is obvious that whatever reviewers say, nothing is going to get done, otherwise there would not have been so many complaints against GMs still. Players are made to do unnecessary chores such as scrolling to dungeon warp and in dealing with NPCs like Reward Guru. My two cents, stop explaining and take corrective action.
Rating: 70
Comment #113
Stability: 8
Availability: 9
Friendliness: 8
Eventfulness: 8
Game Masters
Friendliness: 6
Availability: 6
Helpfulness: 4
Economy: 7
Guild Competition: 7
Class Balance: 7

Played for 3 months 2016-09-10
Server is good, But GMs is awful and rude. Especially Boreas. Yours support tickets can be ignored and when you will try to reach it out and post a topic in forum, you will be banned with a non realistic reason. In any time your account can be banned because he wants so, also forum account and discord too, to avoid community know about sh*tty attitude to players from GM. Many other players have same problems with GM`s and Boreas are the worst of them. Take care and play in another place.
Rating: 66
Comment #114
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 1
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 9
Class Balance: 9
Owner's reply to this review:
Thanks for your review! We're sorry to hear you felt that way regarding staff, as our GM team operates with a high degree of professionalism, respect, and concern. There may be times when an answer is not as you may like it - especially with regard to breaking the rules - but the team indeed enforces a consistent, fair-minded approach in all of its interactions. The team works hard to deliver a stable, fun, & fair environment for all players for more than 9 years. Thanks and best of luck to you!

Played for more than 1 year 2016-09-09
Everything is GREAT other than: High GMs, PvP and economy balance The high GMs are very passively rude to you when it comes to personal matters. Sending a support ticket for something other than network issues will end with one word/sentence responses and no action taken. If you are accused, you are guilty w/o further investigation. PvP is unbalanced in favor of LKs. It's also two sided. You will eventually HAVE to choose a side. Prices on high end gears fluctuates. Dozens of scamming incidents.
Rating: 63
Comment #115
Stability: 7
Availability: 8
Friendliness: 7
Eventfulness: 9
Game Masters
Friendliness: 3
Availability: 8
Helpfulness: 4
Economy: 6
Guild Competition: 4
Class Balance: 7
Owner's reply to this review:
Thanks for your review! We're sorry to hear that you felt that you had a bad staff interaction, as we take care in answering support tickets & questions with thoughtfulness. Sometimes, answers can be given in brief, though they are always backed up by consideration and investigation. PvP can indeed be a challenging environment, but many classes & builds can thrive! Our economy has been stable for 9+ years, and scam attempts are dealt with swiftly. We're glad to hear you're enjoying tRO, though!

Played for more than 1 year 2016-09-08
An awesome server indeed! Let me assure you that the Game Masters are not UNPROFESSIONAL and BIASED like what rumors say! They don't try to TROLL you either they are most helpful and very responsive to your questions lolol. Play now, your TIME will not be WASTED, gotta trust me I'm the honest guy.
Rating: 75
Comment #116
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 2
Availability: 2
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 10
Guild Competition: 10
Class Balance: 10

Played for more than 1 year 2016-07-28
Do not even start on that server if you like PvP of any sort. WoE is almost dead. Just few guilds comes there. Battleground is so bugged that is is quite diffucilt to recruit enough people to start. And GMs do absolutely nothing to fix it or generally promote PvP/WoWE on this server. PvM, by the way, is severely umbalanced, because MvP cards are easily obtainable. So, I cannot recommend this server to anyone.
Rating: 53
Comment #117
Stability: 6
Availability: 9
Friendliness: 9
Eventfulness: 8
Game Masters
Friendliness: 4
Availability: 3
Helpfulness: 2
Economy: 6
Guild Competition: 3
Class Balance: 3
Owner's reply to this review:
Hey there! I am glad that you enjoyed TalonRO for over a year! :) Battleground is not bugged and works perfectly fine, unless someone decides to go afk in there, which barely ever happens. The majority on TalonRO is simply more interested in PvM than PvP content and we don't want to force people into either modes. Everybody may play what he or she wants. Our gameplay is different from other servers, but not imbalanced. Thank you for your feedback!

Played for less than 1 month 2016-07-12
new in TalonRO so far everything is good,conection is good warp npc just warp player to dungeon but player can't request which floor so player must walk by himself make game more challange hope better in future
Rating: 52
Comment #118
Stability: 8
Availability: 8
Friendliness: 3
Eventfulness: 4
Game Masters
Friendliness: 3
Availability: 3
Helpfulness: 3
Economy: 7
Guild Competition: 6
Class Balance: 7
Owner's reply to this review:
Thanks for your review! It sounds like you're enjoying your time in TalonRO so far - though we're happy to address some of the low marks if you've meant to give those for any reason! We're really glad to hear that your connection is strong and everything is good. Our Warp Girl NPC is indeed meant to take you to entrances - we believe part of the fun is working your way through maps and dungeons as you play and that it's part of a good low-rate challenge. Party up with some friends and have fun!

Played for less than 1 month 2016-07-05
Well, exp rate is good... lvl gaps on 99/50 is also good community is well... complicated. XD sometimes lag but only noticeable, sometimes cant move but only few seconds economy is well, too much for me since i'm still new to this server. the mini event is... haven't check of it. XD Guess that's all since i'm kinda new to this server
Rating: 68
Comment #119
Stability: 8
Availability: 9
Friendliness: 6
Eventfulness: 8
Game Masters
Friendliness: 5
Availability: 8
Helpfulness: 5
Economy: 7
Guild Competition: 4
Class Balance: 8
Owner's reply to this review:
Thanks for your review! It sounds like you're enjoying your start on TalonRO, and we're certain that the more you explore - the more you'll find there is that is really quite wonderful! We would recommend absolutely checking out some of our quests and recently enhanced minigames. If you also look for a party, you'll meet up with some great new friends as well! The economy might seem daunting, but it's been quite stable for nearly ten years - so it's just a matter of finding the right groove! :)

Played for more than 1 year 2016-06-28
Used to be a great server, yeah USED to be. Good comunity, stable economy, full of evnts. dont know why this server feels so laggy since last year, maybe new host effect, idk. and the worst thing from this server, this server simply encourage you to be creative with their updates>you get awesome builds>they dont like it>they nerf it>you complaint>nothing happened> they did what they want, not players want~
Rating: 53
Comment #120
Stability: 8
Availability: 8
Friendliness: 9
Eventfulness: 9
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 6
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 3
Class Balance: 3
Owner's reply to this review:
Thanks for your review. We politely disagree - TalonRO is still great, and our population numbers have actually been increasing! We're glad to hear that you've enjoyed our community, economy, and events, and if anything our connectivity and stability have greatly improved with our host and technology investments which we made a few months ago. It can be necessary to balance gameplay, and while it can be unpopular, we do listen and implement based on a balance of needs and wants. Many thanks!

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