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Server Rating Summary [?]
Server Rating:


Community Rating:


Game Master Rating:



Game-Play Rating:

Guild Play

Class Balance

Average Rating:
85 / 100
Based on 430 player reviews:
Positive (358)

Neutral (42)

Negative (30)

Since 2008-10-28
Population Median Reference: 70
Donation Level:



Customization Level:



Played for 8 months 2011-05-17
A promising server. Hopefully many more people will come to know this server. It really needs more players. Overall, the community is great. GM's come and go but they're not that active. When they do get on they make sure to attend the players' needs. The forums is also great. There are still some things to do for server balance, and the economy is not that, let's say, high. All and all, a great server to be with.
Rating: 64
Comment #21
Stability: 6
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 9
Eventfulness: 8
Game Masters
Friendliness: 7
Availability: 5
Helpfulness: 7
Economy: 4
Guild Competition: 4
Class Balance: 4

Played for 6 months 2011-04-08
I've been playing this RO and I thought that it was a fine server. I was wrong. Sure, it was at first; I did enjoy WoE, even though there were a lot of DIFFERENT KINDS of CHEATERS while the GMs are playing blind. That was fine, we almost always found a way over it. But I just can't take the rollbacks they've been having. After working for quests, those items will be taken from you, just like that. Doubling drop rates won't compensate for the time (1 month) lost. You'd just get tired of playing.
Rating: 51
Comment #22
Stability: 3
Availability: 7
Friendliness: 6
Eventfulness: 6
Game Masters
Friendliness: 2
Availability: 5
Helpfulness: 2
Economy: 7
Guild Competition: 7
Class Balance: 6
Owner's reply to this review:
Things happen, and as stated the staff did not plan to make players mad or have something corrupt the database causing a rollback. Human errors happen sometimes, and for that we are sorry. We installed Harmony to rid the server of the 'cheaters' you mentioned because we aim to give you the best game play possible. Thanks for trying Mystic and good luck to you.

Played for 6 months 2011-04-07
I have been here for almost 6 months now, and that 6 month experience that I had here, I only experienced ROLLBACKS. The first rollback was 11 days, so we accepted that. But now, it's roll-backed to the BEGINNING OF MARCH. There's a lot of script tweaks UNANNOUNCED that was going on, like the supposed to be yinyang shoes that enchants your armor to UNDEAD, but it became ghost and then water. There's a lot of fishy stuff going on, and the server is definitely not stable and the ADMs are careless.
Rating: 51
Comment #23
Stability: 1
Availability: 6
Friendliness: 7
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 5
Availability: 10
Helpfulness: 4
Economy: 3
Guild Competition: 4
Class Balance: 1
Owner's reply to this review:
Hi ThroatCutter, I responded to this once already as you left a review prior. No matter, I can do it again. First of all you started in December .. That's only 3 months (yes Ramon and Erning, we know its you). I'm not going to address the rollbacks b/c things happen and we aren't happy with it either. YY shoes gave weapon enchants to 2 properties, ghost and undead, as you know it can only have one, we chose ghost. Ironic that you choose to leave once WPEs were successfully blocked.

Played for less than 1 month 2011-03-06
The server is OK, the customs are hard to create but worth the time. Economy, basically almost did not exist because everything you want must be bartered. GM is friendly and available most of the time, plenty of events, dual class system is nice. Minus thing, the community is just as bad as the other servers, lots of mocking the new players especially in pvp. It's either you're in the community or not at all.
Rating: 75
Comment #24
Stability: 8
Availability: 8
Friendliness: 4
Eventfulness: 9
Game Masters
Friendliness: 9
Availability: 9
Helpfulness: 9
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 7
Class Balance: 7

Played for 4 months 2010-10-10
so i tried this server for 4 months and boy i thought the talisman thing was cool at first you can be multiple classes essentially. this makes the game way unstable and unbalanced. like water-ball can be spammed by one person, instead of it taking 2. or a healing assassin. don't get me started on gear cuz its ridiculous to get. this is a different server. but its broken. you have to pay for the talismans btw. and they are not cheep. there is no community. do not waste you time!
Rating: 59
Comment #25
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 7
Eventfulness: 5
Game Masters
Friendliness: 5
Availability: 5
Helpfulness: 6
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 1
Owner's reply to this review:
As with all SHR servers with 3rd jobs, its hard to maintain class balance. The talismans are not donation only and until recently were only available through questing. You can obtain them either by donation or quest.

Played for less than 1 month 2010-08-30
Its a good Server but there are better Servers.., Playing makes fun but only 2 weeks.., then its boring to play on this server.., there must be more things to get und quest .., it must be harder to be the best player., mfg sh4k3 ;D
Rating: 70
Comment #26
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 8
Eventfulness: 8
Game Masters
Friendliness: 7
Availability: 6
Helpfulness: 8
Economy: 6
Guild Competition: 4
Class Balance: 3

Played for more than 1 year 2010-07-08
The server is very corrupt, and as are the gms/admins not all of them are but the admins are yes, he hired people who dont know what they are doing they are corrupt the owner bribes players, and has hosted private mvp events before. hes bribed gms before and admins and probably players the owner has no clue on what he is doing or who he has hired. the donation money is pocketed and very many other things are bad. the bribes are very inappropriate and its sad on how bad it is now a days.
Rating: 56
Comment #27
Stability: 9
Availability: 9
Friendliness: 5
Eventfulness: 6
Game Masters
Friendliness: 3
Availability: 8
Helpfulness: 1
Economy: 5
Guild Competition: 5
Class Balance: 5
Owner's reply to this review:
Our server is not corrupt nor are donations pocketed. We pay close to $230 on hosting and software licensing per month, there is rarely enough donation left over per month. The left overs stay in our PayPal to be spent on license renewals, on forums etc. Our owner is rarely seen in-game which is true. That is because he spends most of his time making a living. For that reason others take his place most of the time, and everything in-game is reported to him. If he is never seen, how can he bribe?

Played for 3 months 2010-06-07
I am estimating 3-6 more months before the server starts dying. Unless the staff focus on their weakness because I've seen contributing staff members on trial resign due to staff drama. This is a huge red flag in any server when they start loosing their contributing staff. They are constantly changing new staff because of this and loosing players when gm's resign/quit. It has much potential as a server. However it won't if the people who donate their time freely to this server quit due to drama.
Rating: 71
Comment #28
Stability: 10
Availability: 10
Friendliness: 6
Eventfulness: 10
Game Masters
Friendliness: 8
Availability: 9
Helpfulness: 10
Economy: 1
Guild Competition: 1
Class Balance: 6

Played for less than 1 month 2010-06-02
Server Rating: Stability - 5 [Kinda Laggy from time to time as well as delay] Availability - 9 [So far so good] Community Rating: Friendliness - 10 [Better than some GM I would say] Eventfulness - 7 [So-so] Game Master Rating: Friendliness - 10 [Some yes, some absolutely no] Availability - 6 [They were busying chatting with player in main town] Helpfulness - 5 [Not really] Game-Play Rating: Economy - 8 Guild Competition - 6 Class Balance - 8
Rating: 74
Comment #29
Stability: 5
Availability: 9
Friendliness: 10
Eventfulness: 7
Game Masters
Friendliness: 10
Availability: 6
Helpfulness: 5
Economy: 8
Guild Competition: 6
Class Balance: 8

Played for more than 1 year 2010-05-31
not very balanced if you ask me ive seen so many assasins. its all i see. the only game master that is remotely good is legend. and ive also noaticed most of the bad reviews are deleted. and he keeps the good ones no1der its so high
Rating: 58
Comment #30
Stability: 7
Availability: 6
Friendliness: 9
Eventfulness: 5
Game Masters
Friendliness: 1
Availability: 7
Helpfulness: 3
Economy: 7
Guild Competition: 8
Class Balance: 5
Owner's reply to this review:
The above gamemaster resigned months ago. The bad reviews are not deleted by our choice, rather by an automated system that deletes malicious reviews with the intention to purposely demoralise servers. The old server reviews are also not removed. They simply appear in a different timeframe, if you wish for this to be changed, I suggest that you contact RMS as it remains the same for all server listings. GMs cannot delete reviews. Have a nice day.

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